Friday, April 23, 2010

full term.

I feel this week is somewhat of a milestone for us because I am officially 37 weeks, holler! Meaning, if the baby would come now it would be okay because I am full term. Obviously it probably won't be for a couple more weeks, but it is definitely a relief knowing that we have made it this far safely. I went to the Dr. on Monday and everything is still looking right on track. My belly measured 37 cm , which is exactly what it is supposed to be. Babies HR is 138... So, Chris and I are just hanging out here trying to get everything else in order. There are a few small things I still need to get, and I still need to pack the bags. But otherwise I think we are as ready as we will ever be. Nudger has been moving around like crazy, I think he/she definitely wants out, or maybe that is just my wishful thinking :)

I cannot wait to see what this little babe is, girl or a boy, Phoebe or Phoebo. So what do you all think? I know you've been reading this blog because I see 70 votes on our boy or girl poll. So far we are at 40 for a boy, and 33 for a girl. However, I cannot see who voted for what. Because I want to know what you all are thinking leave me a comment with your name and what you think Nudger is going to be :) I'm very curious.

In other news Chris and I made a huge purchase this week! We finally broke down and ordered a new Cannon xsi, SLR, digital, glorious, beautiful, huge camera!!! I have wanted a new one forever, and so we figured now is as good of time as any to get it before nudger arrives. I actually got a really good deal online which I was pumped about! I tracked the shipping progress this morning and it is "out for delivery"! So sometime today it should be arriving and I am watching for that UPS truck like a hawk. However, I am starting to feel a little nervous about getting such a big camera since it has been awhile since I've used one and now I'm feeling a little intimidated! So, if any of you have any photography tips please pass them on. Actually I'm just thinking about going out to buying "SLR's for Dummies" as a refresher course.
Hope you all have a glorious weekend!


  1. You crack me you realize every big purchase, you say "we actually got a really good deal" - kitchen aid, camera, SUV, rocking chair. Love you, Marc! :)

  2. I voted--> BOY! :) But Now I am thinking Girl. :) LOL!

    So do I get to change my vote? :)


  3. Haha :) Yes, you can change your vote. I'm so excited, and can't wait to see what this little babe is!!!

  4. Hi this is mom
    I'm so excited I can hardley wait!
    Glad you got that camera

  5. I voted boy too.
    What I want now is a video/photo camera that will let you snap pictures while the video is recording. (Do they even make those?)
    Looking forward to fabu pictures of nudger!

  6. Got a feeling it will be a boy...not sure why. :) I am so excited for you both, I'm sure you will be fantastic parents!



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