To this:
It really is a miracle, and I get a big lump in my throat when I think about it to much. Growth is so bittersweet.
Anyway, the birthday girl is just changing every day. She is 29 3/4" tall (she's obviously going to be way taller then me) and 19 lb 12 oz. She just had her one year check up and looks great. She had to get a blood draw and she didn't even make a peep! However, Dad started sweating, and Mom was a little nervous :)
It seems like every day she does new things. She knows quite a few words. She doesn't say very many but she knows what you mean when you say them. The other day I asked her if she wanted to read a book, so she walked over to the books, picked one up, carried it back to me, and backed up on my lap to read it! She knows it "chew it up" when I give her food. Of course she knows puppy, mama, daddy, bye-bye, hi. When you ask her where something is, she holds her hands upside down, bent at the elbow with a questioning look on her face like, "I don't know mom". It is precious! She loves to wave, and waves non-stop. She also gives lots of hugs and kisses. She kisses the book, the puppy, mom and dad, her toys, basically everything.
On her birthday we were going to go swimming, but we missed the times due to her nap, so we went to the park instead. We decided, "oh this will be fun, we'll take her in her new wagon". The trip there was fine, its only about 12 blocks. We had some good times on the swings/slide. However, when we went to put her in the wagon to bring her home and she was not having it! Holy cow, where did the sweet baby go?! She was arching her back and crying, I thought I was going to drop her on the pavement. So I handed her over to Chris of course :) Oh man, that made it even worse! So I finally took her back and she quieted down, I guess she at least realized if she was going to have to go home it was better to be held by mom. The teenagers in the park were laughing and pointing at us, I have never felt so old! We booked it out of there, awkward! I kept trying to put her back in her awesome wagon on the way home, every time a tiny fit ensued. Which brings me to my next point, where did this independence come from? Holy cow, literally on the day of her first birthday. She has had small fits before but nothing like this, it was kind of ironic :) She was fine when we got home ( my back was not ).
Here's a few more recent photos of tootsie. I have about a million other posts to make (swim lessons, popsicles, the list goes on). But we have been so busy playing outside I haven't had the motivation to blog. We're also going to have family pics today, keep your fingers crossed for cooperation!
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